Opening Minds through the Arts

OMAWe recharge educators' passion for teaching and assist them in developing techniques that fully engage the multiple intelligences of all students. 

  • Arts are part of classroom instruction in all OMA schools
  • Specialists, classroom teachers, and artists work together with students
  • Promote community bonds with artists and organizations, including UA

Creative expression and the arts are the oldest tools humans have used to explain their world and order their reality.

What is OMA?
Learning with OMA
Instrumental Music Collaborative Model

Thoughtful collaboration between OMA Arts Integration Specialists, Music teachers and Classroom teachers is essential to support students' academic and social growth.

Scott Anderson (OMA Orchestra teacher) and Deborah DeVere (Classroom teacher) build on each other's instructional strengths as 4th grade Lynn/Urquides students demonstrate the impact of meaningful integration between their OMA violin lesson and language arts.